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Address CREATE LAB, 17-21 Bruce Street, Belfast
Viewable From 01/05/23
Available From 01/10/23
Lease 60 to 120 months
Style Office
Status To let
Rent POA

Additional Information


The subject property is prominently located on Bruce Street, approximately 300m from the City Hall and only a few minutes walk to the Europa Bus and Train station.

In addition, the building is well served in terms of facilities for staf to include, coffe shops, convenience stores, restaurants, gyms and bars.

Neighbouring occuiers include Axiom, Deloitte, Aecom, BBC, Invest Ni, LIberty IT, Puppet Labs etc.



This historic industrial building has just undegone a sympathetic refurbishment to provide quality retail space on the ground floor and Grade A offices on the upper floor. The first floor is the only floor now available to let


Finishes include

  • Raised access floors
  • Air con
  • Carpet finish
  • Kitchen area on all floors
  • Power distribution
  • Door access controls
  • W.cs
  • Shower Facilities
  • Feature LED lighting
  • Exposed red brick facing walls


Ground Floor                    260 sq.m (2800 sq.ft). LET

First Floor                        258 sq.m (2785 sq.ft)

Second Floor                    258 sq.m (2785 sq.ft) LET

Third Floor                       244 sq.m (2628 sq.ft) LET

Mezzanine                        144 sq.m (1553 sq.ft) LET



Term                              By negotiation

Rent                               Upon application and depending on tenant spec.

Repairs                           Internal repairing

Service Charge                Full recovery by landlord


TIMESCALE                  Immediate availability

EPC                               TBC

NAV                               TBC Upon completion